Ulysses Haikus — The Code

NB. This code is neither efficient nor elegant, but it gets the job done. Let me know if you have any problems or suggestions.

						from random import randint
						import re
						# ----- BEGIN Danny Obrien's Syllable Counter ----- #
						SubSyl = [
						       'giu',              # belgium!
						       '.ely$',             # absolutely! (but not ely!)

						AddSyl = [ 
						       '[aeiouym]bl$',     # -Vble, plus -mble
						       '[aeiou]{3}',       # agreeable
						       'ism$',             # -isms
						       '([^aeiouy])\1l$',  # middle twiddle battle bottle, etc.
						       '[^l]lien',         # alien, salient [1]
						           '^coa[dglx].',      # [2]
						       '[^gq]ua[^auieo]',  # i think this fixes more than it breaks
						       'dnt$',           # couldn't

						def syllables(word):
						    mungedword = re.sub('e$','',word.lower())
						    splitword = re.split(r'[^aeiouy]+', mungedword)
						    splitword = [ x for x in splitword if (x != '') ] # hmm
						    syllables = 0
						    for i in SubSyl:
						        if re.search(i,mungedword):
						            syllables -= 1
						    for i in AddSyl:
						        if re.search(i,mungedword):
						            syllables += 1
						    if len(mungedword) == 1: syllables =+ 1
						    syllables += len(splitword)
						    if syllables == 0: syllables = 1
						    return syllables
						# ----- END Danny Obrien's Syllable Counter ----- #

						# Open the huge text file
						f = open('/Users/jsomers/Desktop/ulyss12.txt', 'rU')

						# Make a list of clean sentences
						lines = [" " + line[:-1] for line in f]
						big = "".join(map(str, lines))
						sentences = big.split(". ")

						# Make the two sub-lists
						fives, sevens = [], []
						for s in sentences:
							if sum([syllables(word) for word in s.split(" ")]) == 5:
							elif sum([syllables(word) for word in s.split(" ")]) == 7:

						# Print the haikus
						for i in range(100):	
							print fives[randint(0, len(fives) - 1)], \
							'\n', sevens[randint(0, len(sevens) - 1)], '\n', \
							fives[randint(0, len(fives) - 1)], '\n\n'