Questions prompted by reading the book
- How does a neuron decide how many dendrites, dendritic spines, and axons to build? And what is the distribution of those numbers?
- What’s the deal with pericellular nests?
- How does the structural difference between pyramidal neurons and Purkinje neurons beget a functional difference?
- How come the staining method only affects a few spread-out cells?
- Why would axonal wrappings be caused by old age or disease? How does the structure of the wrapping relate to attenuated function?
- Why can astrocytes divide, but most neurons can’t, in the adult brain?
- Is Cajal’s point about optic nerves crossing true? That it’s necessary to our creation of a complete representation of the visual world?
- Pigeons have more color vision than we do?
- What are the neurons that send information back to the retina from the brain?
- Olfactory bulb has different types of neurons for different kinds of odors? What are different kinds of odors?
- Thalamus sensory relay turns off when you sleep?
- How did Cajal put together the vomiting and coughing pathways on p 135? Seems like too much anatomy to be able to see such a clear picture of just the nerve pathways.
- Dentate gyrus: do we need new neurons in order to form new memories?
- Wertz et al: Presynaptic networks. Single-cell-initiated monosynaptic...
- What IS a “chemical message” in the context of a synapse? It must imply action of some kind. But do the different chemicals have different consequences?